MON - FRI, 08:00 AM ~ 04:00 PM (Caja ~ 01:00 PM)
Tel. +507-340-3360 Fax. +507-340-3359
BIC CODE. KOEXPAPA Email. kebpanamafx@hanafn.comCalle 50,Urbanizacion Obarrio Edificio Torre Global Bank Piso No.19, Oficina No.1902 Panama, Republica de Panama
Parking: Available in the building (30 mimutes free)
2025/01/01 is New year’s day |
2025/01/09 is Martyr’s day |
2025/03/03 is Carnival |
2025/03/04 is Carnival |
2025/04/18 is Easter Friday |
2025/05/01 is Labor day |
2025/11/03 is Colombia independence day |
2025/11/04 is National symbol day |
2025/11/05 is Colon day |
2025/11/10 is Los Santos Uprising day |
2025/11/28 is Spain independence day |
2025/12/08 is Mother’s day |
2025/12/25 is Chrismas day |
Transfer or Remittance transactions cannot be processed on the same day.
Please mind that the funds will be processed on the next banking day.
Checks deposited from other banks are released the next business day after 5:00PM
Para el depósito de los cheques locales de otros bancos, los fondos estarán disponibles al siguiente
día hábil después de las 5:00 p.m.
Thank you.
Calle 50, Edificio Torre Global Piso No.19 Oficina 1902, Panamá, Rep de Panamá